My succes Story

I used to have premature ejaculation for many years. I couldn't work out why. I would be with a woman and then not long after we started to have intercourse, maybe after just two minutes, I would ejaculate.

It was totally frustrating. I mean, I had barely worked up a sweat!

I started to use over the counter anesthetics to give me some relief.

First thing I tried was benzocaine condoms. They added a few extra minutes but nothing much.

Then I took some of these condoms and scraped the benzocaine out of a pack of 12. I put all this benzocaine into a small lip balm jar and used that instead. A bigger dose meant more time. So far so good. But I wanted longer than just five minutes.

So the next thing I tried was a lidocaine spray. This was a tiny pump action spray that looks like a breath freshener. You are supposed to use only 3 to 8 sprays but I must have used something like 20, on my penis head and shaft. It was "great", I could go for ages like this. But the problem was that I could not really feel anything. Somehow I was still able to ejaculate even though I couldn't really feel anything!

Then I started to throw caution to the wind. I decided to stop using anesthetics because they were good, but only temporary, measures.

I was somehow able to get better and better at extending myself. Instead of worrying about when I was going to ejaculate, I started to take more of an interest in my partner and our combined experience. If I had an ejaculation, whenever it would be, it really didn't matter. It was no longer the be all and end all.

Amazingly, the less you worry about it, the less likely it is to happen. I actually found myself on many occasions unable to ejaculate! These days I can turn it on and off pretty much like a switch. I can keep going without worry and then when I start to get tired and just want to finish up then I can summon the "energy" to get quickly aroused to the point of ejaculation.

Are you bothered by the humiliating situation like premature ejaculation? It is possible that when solving your premature ejaculation problem, you will consider the one which is worth all which you may look for.

And sometimes it takes you long and precious time to seek the perfect cure. So far, you do not need to worry at all, because there is a best solution for you which you should make use of it without hesitation. It is Ejaculation Trainer that provides you the appropriate information as toughly as possible. There is an old saying goes " Nowhere to find the place even if iron shoes worn out due to the tramp of search, however, it is eventually found without looking', which can prove your choice."

With Ejaculation Trainer, you will fully understand what is the root of the problem. Compared with other treatments, Ejaculation Trainer will give you available and useful information while others only cost you lots of time and do nothing about your problem. In addition, body should be responsible for premature ejaculation, so besides the root that Ejaculation Trainer will seek, it will provide you the comprehensive information about your body and services for you all the time. Ejaculation Trainer give the healing opportunity exactly for you.

Despite it is one of the problems most often seen on men for premature ejaculation, Ejaculation Trainer and its courses would help you have a better understanding regarding how to manage it and how it could be cured on diverse measures which your body required. What Ejaculation Trainer does is to train yourself to get over this matter and with its help, it will be quit easy for you as well to have the trouble controlled and be in the correct way on having the opportunity to well catch what you need to do for handing the situation.

Following the instruction step by step,you will learn and know the effective way of controlling yourself and allowing yourself to learn as well all things that do best for you. Clearly this is your best choice that can change this situation effectively without changing your sexual life towards the wrong way. All in all, you can practice and apply it without hesitation, which is also your right choice, because this course from Matt Gorden will help you get it through as free as air and he can discover your potentials as soon as possible.

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What is premature ejaculation?

Rapid climax, early ejaculation, premature ejaculation, whatever you call it, it’s a problem plaguing hundreds of men, although many might not admit it. That’s because ever since ancient times sexual performance has been linked to a man’s virility and masculinity. It’s easy to understand then why a man might want to avoid talking about his ejaculation concerns, either with his partner or anyone else. However, premature ejaculation is actually the most common sexual problem faced by men. Whether it is a persistent concern, or just an occasional incident, most men have reported having some trouble with controlling their ejaculation at one point or another.

Recent polls have shown that the average length of intercourse is usually anywhere between 2 to 12 minutes. Most often those diagnosed with premature ejaculation climax in less than a minute or two, and there are even those who ejaculate before there is any sort of penetration. In all actuality, “too short” is really just a matter of opinion. The most important factor is if a man feels that he is unable to control his ejaculation and is frequently climaxing before he would like. Any man who feels that this is a problem for him may be suffering from some form of premature ejaculation.

When a man is suffering from premature ejaculation, he is often climaxing before his partner and in the case of most men it is difficult if not impossible for them to continue intercourse after ejaculating. That’s because chemicals are released when a man ejaculates and these are the same chemicals that make a person feel sleepy and/or not aroused. It’s not that they have suddenly lost interest; just their brain is telling them that the sex is over. This effect is more prominent after intercourse than after masturbation because intercourse actually causes four times more of these chemicals to be released. If premature ejaculation occurs frequently, it can lead to embarrassment for the man and sexual frustration for both partners.

Most often premature ejaculation occurs in younger men, but it can affect men of all ages. There could be a number of different reasons for the problems, both physical and psychological. The good news is that there are certain solutions available that have proven effective, such as the Ejaculation Trainer, which can show a man how to develop permanent ejaculation control. By successfully addressing a man’s ejaculation concerns and teaching him how to control it, he will quickly become more confident and both he and his partner will be much more satisfied.

The Causes of Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation can be a frustrating and embarrassing problem for any man and statistically most will face it to some extent during their lifetime. Despite the frequency of premature ejaculation, there really isn’t a cause that can be singled out as the sole cause. Various psychological factors play a role in most cases however, and some causes having hormonal or physical origins.

It appears that countless cases of premature ejaculation have, at least in part, a link to a psychological influence. Early sexual experiences can have a huge impact on how a man handles his arousal. These first sexual experiences usually take place during adolescents, when intercourse needed to be rushed for fear of getting caught. This can actually condition the male to climax as soon as possible whenever he is having sex later in life. Also, feelings of guilt or anxiety can inhibit a man’s ability to control his ejaculation. Most feelings of anxiety are associated with a fear of being unable to perform. Often times, the excitement is simply too much too handle, usually because the person is not use to such a high level of excitement. There are also situations where men who have suffered from erectile dysfunction have a fear of being unable to obtain or keep an erection so they rush through intercourse before it is lost. Over time this will hardwire the brain to ejaculate as soon as possible during intercourse, even when the fear of erectile dysfunction isn’t present. There have even been situations where a man who has experienced no or infrequent premature ejaculation will begin to show symptoms when he is having interpersonal problems with his current partner.

While somewhat less frequent (but still common, even if only to a small extent), there are several biological factors that have played a part in some cases of premature ejaculation. This could include abnormal levels of hormones or neurotransmitters in the brain. Certain thyroid problems or inherited traits could also be a factor. There have been rare cases of PE resulting from some sort of neurological damage from a surgery or trauma or from withdrawals from narcotics. Biological causes seem to be more frequent in cases where premature ejaculation has been a lifelong problem.

While premature ejaculation can affect men of any age, it seems to be most common in younger men. Occurrences of premature ejaculation also can vary depending on the situation itself. A new sexual partner for example, or a specific sexual situation could increase its frequency. There is also a correlation between the length of time since the man last engaged in intercourse and his inability to control his arousal and ejaculation. Regardless of what the cause of premature ejaculation is, there are effective solutions available to combat the problem.

We recommend the Ejaculation Trainer for men looking to gain control over their ejaculation. This is the most advanced and the most effective solution available.

How Premature Ejaculation Affects Relationships

Premature ejaculation can certainly take a toll on a relationship. Whether a couple waits until after marriage or not to be sexual, intercourse plays a huge role in the success and happiness of a relationship. Over time, unresolved sexual problems can slowly chip away at a relationship for both partners.

Effective communication is crucial to a healthy long-lasting relationship, however it can often times be difficult for a man to discuss his premature ejaculation concerns with his partner. There is a lot of unnecessary shame that is associated with the condition and many men think that admitting that they have a problem controlling their arousal means that they are less of a man. Not talking about the problem will actually make things that much worse. Misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and anger can quickly escalate, all of which can make premature ejaculation even worse.

On an evolutionary level, intercourse promotes what scientists call “pair bonding” and it is crucial for a healthy and successful relationship. During sex, and particularly during orgasm, chemicals such as oxytocin and dopamine are released that strengthen the bond between partners. There is an increased feeling of security and trust, as well as an increase in emotional attachment. These bonding emotions are crucial to the strength of a couple. When a man isn’t able to perform as well as he should, both partners not only miss out on these healthy bonding chemicals, but instead are left with negative feelings of inadequacy and disappointment.  This can actually make premature ejaculation symptoms even more prominent.

Sometimes premature ejaculation will actually prevent men from pursuing relationships in the first place. The man may actually avoid sexual relationships altogether for fear of rejection or embarrassment. They feel that they can’t adequately satisfy a woman so they just avoid sexual encounters all together. Most men won’t talk about their premature ejaculation, especially with a new partner, so when they do attempt intercourse, the woman often misunderstands why the man can’t perform. Over time avoiding relationships because of premature ejaculation can lead to depression as the man is cutting himself off from other people to avoid his issues.

Men naturally are not apt to discuss any sort of personal problem with anyone else, especially sexual ones. So much of a man’s perception of their masculinity rides on their ability to perform sexually that they don’t want to let anyone know of any performance problems they may be having. If a man is in a relationship however, he has to learn how to talk to his partner. Even men embarking on a new sexual relationship should open up at least a little bit. You don’t have to pour your heart out and tell them every intimate detail about your premature ejaculation, but open up just a little bit. At the same time, their partners need to be patient and understanding. Men in relationships with effective communication often times are better able at resolving their issues than those who cannot talk to their partner.

We recommend using the Ejaculation premature treatments to get over premature ejaculation and naturally last longer in bed. This is the most advanced system available for premature ejaculation.

Preventing Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is actually one of the most common sexual complaints among men and couples. Most men will experience premature ejaculation at some point or another in their lives. For some men it’s just a passing thing that goes away as quick as it came, for others it’s a story that never ends. There are ways to prevent premature ejaculation, and to keep it from getting worse.

Having open communication with your partner has been shown to help alleviate a lot of the stress associated with premature ejaculation, as well as allow a man to deal with the problem as soon as it arises. There is a lot of pressure on men to perform and satisfy their partner, so when they feel they are unable to do this they become stressed and worried, which can make the symptoms even worse. When a couple is able to talk about their sexual relationship, it will take a lot of the pressure and bring a couple closer together while working to resolve the problem. Men will last longer by simply talking about the issue and relieving the stress. This is due to the fact that less stress equals more serotonin (which delays ejaculation), and also due to the fact that when a man isn’t stressed and worried about performing, he will be more relaxed and in control of his ejaculation.

There are also techniques that can be done regardless of relationship status. Many premature ejaculation manuals go over the various techniques that can be done that will allow a man to be in control and prevent premature ejaculation. They can be practiced alone or with a partner. There are also various mental techniques that can be used during masturbation or intercourse. Most men find that by learning to control their mental stimulation (emotions, arousal, excitement, etc), they become much better at controlling themselves and preventing premature ejaculation.

Dealing with premature ejaculation as quickly as possible will help to prevent the problem from getting any worse. It might be hard to talk about, but remember that the majority of men find a way to relieve their premature ejaculation and you can too. It just takes a little dedication and effort on your part.

The premature ejaculation treatments trainer is by far the most popular solution for naturally preventing premature ejaculation and increasing stamina. It covers prevention techniques, quick fix techniques, and how to develop permanent control so that premature ejaculation becomes a thing of the past.

Premature Ejaculation and the PC Muscle

Most people have at least heard of Kegel’s, exercises for women designed to strengthen their vaginal muscles. Few realize however that there is also a version for men. The focus is on learning to control the PC muscle. This is the collective name given to a group of muscles that run from the anus to the base of the penis and around. Learning to control these muscles can be beneficial to any man, but particularly those suffering from premature ejaculation.

Most men have a difficult time at first learning how to contract and release their PC muscles. It is actually the same muscles that are used to stop urination. If a man stops his stream mid-urination, those are the PC muscles he just used. With practice, and by following a routine such as the one covered in the Ejaculation Trainer, a man will be able to develop a stronger PC muscle and have better control over it. It’s not recommended that you practice using your PC muscles on your own without the aid of some sort of manual. These aren’t muscles that are used very frequently and often times are weak, especially in those suffering from premature ejaculation. There is a good chance of injuring your body if you attempt to work with the PC muscles in an improper manner, which would make your problems even worse.

Probably the biggest misconception regarding the PC muscle and premature ejaculation is how it’s used. Over and over people say it’s to be used to ‘hold in’ ejaculation. While this may help if you’re about to go over the top, the main focus should be on how to keep it relaxed. Mastering relaxing the PC muscle can be very beneficial to men who suffer from premature ejaculation. During intercourse, most of a man’s body, including his PC muscle, is tense. This tension increases sensitivity, leading to higher states of arousal and the loss of ejaculation control. By relaxing these muscles during intercourse, the pressure is lessened and arousal goes down.

By learning to control your PC muscle, you will not only be able to last longer during intercourse, but you will more than likely be able to orgasm multiple times. Once the PC muscle is strong enough, it will actually be able to reduce the amount of semen that is released during orgasm by contracting the muscle as firmly as possible. This will keep you from climaxing completely and usually within a short period of time you will be ready to orgasm again. This can be helpful both in regular intercourse and in those situations where you find yourself climaxing before you would like. If you can reduce how much you release, you can keep your arousal level up so that you can continue on long enough to please your partner. 

The premature ejaculation treatments Trainer covers absolutely everything about the PC muscle. It doesn’t just say to squeeze it like every other website or book. It focuses more on teaching you how to keep it relaxed, and therefore prevent the PC muscle contractions that lead to ejaculation and orgasm. This is critical knowledge that is only covered in the premature ejaculation treatments trainer.

How Exercising Helps With Premature Ejaculation

If overall well being and better health weren’t enough motivation to get you to exercise, how about overcoming your premature ejaculation and being a better lover? Obviously exercise will help you look and feel better, giving a major boost to your confidence, but the benefits of exercise don’t stop there. Working some sort of exercise into your regular schedule can lead to surprising results in bed.

All of the overall health benefits of exercise can be translated into sexual benefits as well. There have actually been studies that have made a connection between physical inactivity with a lack of ejaculation control. Men who had low levels of physical activities were shown to have less control over their ejaculation and arousal during sex, as well as having less fulfilling sexual experiences. It’s easy to figure out the benefits of cardio on your sex life. It will make your heart stronger, increase you lung capacity, and allow you to keep going longer. Muscular strength actually plays a large part in sex, especially when you venture out from the missionary and cowgirl positions. Flexibility is also useful for the same reason.

Mentally, it’s been shown that increased physical activity will make you happier and calmer as well as increase your sexual desire. When exercising regularly, you will begin to feel better about your body. Being naked in front of your partner can be stressful if you don’t feel good about your body, which increases your stress levels during intercourse, leading to premature ejaculation and a poor performance. Feeling good about your body alleviates that stress, making ejaculation control much easier.

During exercise, levels of serotonin naturally increase. On the other hand, low levels of this hormone have been linked to premature ejaculation. Not only do levels of serotonin naturally increase during exercise, but they don’t go back down afterwards, they stay at an increased level for a substantial period of time. Higher levels of serotonin create a feeling of calmness in your body, and this calm feeling will follow you into the bedroom. Part of the reason for premature ejaculation is the inability to control your arousal, causing you to climax quickly. If you are able to calm your emotions during sex, you will be able to last longer. Understandably, many men who suffer from PE also begin to succumb to depression. Exercise will increase levels of feel-good chemicals like serotonin, which will help lessen depression.

It would also be good to mention at this point that sex is a great way to burn calories. As you begin to get a handle on your premature ejaculation, you will be able to last longer and longer. This will make you healthier, allowing you to last even longer and make intercourse even more enjoyable. Staying active will also help you as you age. Seniors who are physically active have actually reported having the same amount of sex, as well as the same levels of sexual pleasure, as people decades younger than them.

Exercise can play a role in helping with premature ejaculation, but to totally combat the problem it will require quite a bit more. I recommend the Ejaculation Trainer, which is the leading   for premature ejaculation treatments. Everything you could possibly know about premature ejaculation treatment and how to overcome it is covered there in great detail.